Amazonia Exhibition

Amazônia in Singapore

Zurich is proud to be the main global sponsor of Amazônia, a breathtaking exhibition raising environmental awareness through photography.

More than 1.4 million visitors worldwide. Be the first to see the exhibition in Asia.

Sebastião Salgado, a renowned photo artist and photojournalist and Praemium Imperiale prize winner, presents his groundbreaking photo exhibition, Amazônia, which celebrates the Brazilian rainforest, its landscape and indigenous people. It urges us to reflect on the fragile balance between humans and nature and the beauty of an area of our planet that is at risk.

Zurich is the main global sponsor of the exhibition tour, which has travelled to many iconic locations around the globe and is now being hosted in Asia for the first time at the National Museum of Singapore. The sponsorship of “Amazônia” is part of Zurich’s interest in creating and raising awareness among a wider public of the need for concrete environmental action. It complements the Zurich Forest Project, the Group’s long-standing collaboration with Instituto Terra, the non-profit organization of Lélia Wanick Salgado and Sebastião Salgado.

Amazonia Exhibition in Singapore

Location: National Museum of Singapore
Dates: 22 November – 2 March 2025

The Amazônia Exhibition

Over 200 extraordinary black-and-white photos – a product of Salgado’s intrepid seven-year voyage into the Amazon – take the audience on a fascinating journey through the Amazon rainforest. They shine a light on the fragility of the ecosystem of the "selva" and point out the urgency of its protection with concise imagery.

Salgado captures the gentleness of the landscape as well as the primal forces of the elements that shape life in the rainforest. He documents the lives of the indigenous people of the Amazon, whom Salgado immortalized on numerous journeys.

An audio track inspired by the authentic sounds of the forest and composed especially for the exhibition by French musician Jean-Michel Jarre accompanies visitors on their walk through "Amazônia."

Amazonia exhibition landscape with mountains

Serra do Marauiá. Terra indígena Yanomami, Município de São Gabriel da Cachoeira, estado do Amazonas, Brasil, 2018 © Sebastião Salgado

Fascinating Insights


million worldwide visitors so far




exhibition cities supported by Zurich


years in the Amazon captured by Sebastião Salgado

The reason for this exhibition is to raise everyone’s awareness of the need to protect the Amazon ecosystem and the indigenous communities

Sebastião Salgado

Sebastião Salgado

Forests are vital to life on Earth

Video, 1:36 min

Forests play a fundamental role in fighting climate change and in preserving global biodiversity. We believe it’s up to everyone to protect and conserve them.

Zurich is proud to be acting for the planet

Zurich’s sponsorship of "Amazônia" is part of Zurich’s interest in creating and raising awareness among a wider public of the need for concrete environmental action. It complements Zurich's long-standing collaboration with Instituto Terra, the non-profit organization of Lélia Wanick Salgado and Sebastião Salgado. The Zurich Forest Project supports the targeted and sustainable restoration of parts of the Atlantic Forest in Brazil.

illustration 0 tons of carbon emissions

Rio Cauaburi, terra indígena Yanomami, estado do Amazonas, Brasil, 2018 © Sebastião Salgado

Sebastião Salgado taking photos out of a helicopter

About Salgado 

Sebastião Salgado, born in Brazil in 1944, is a renowned documentary photographer and photojournalist. His work showcases his deep love for nature and empathy for the socio-economic conditions affecting humanity. With over 120 countries under his belt, Salgado has received numerous accolades, including the Princess of Asturias Award for the Arts in Spain, being a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador and an honorary member of the Academy of Arts and Sciences in the US.

Together with his work and life partner, Lélia Wanick Salgado, he has founded an environmental NGO called Instituto Terra, which focuses on reforestation, conservation and education, earning them prizes from UNESCO Brazil, WWF Brazil and global institutions.