For those who truly care about energy
Specialized energy insurance assistance
Zurich Global Energy can help you with specialized assistance in all areas of risk management, risk engineering and claims for the global energy sector – including onshore property, and exploration and production coverage.
First-hand experience in a wide range of industries including:
- Oil
- Gas
- Chemicals
- Petrochemicals
- Power generation
- Refining
- Mining
- Alternative energy
We provide Onshore Property coverage on a stand-alone or blended programme basis, along with expert risk engineering services for companies in the oil, gas and petrochemical companies, power generation, mining and mineral processing and renewable energy.
The Exploration and Production segment covers offshore and onshore oil and gas exploration and production including fixed platforms, onshore drilling rigs, processing and transmission, cost of well control, hull and machinery insurance for drilling contractors with mobile drilling rigs and construction insurance for the offshore industry.