Swift and transparent claims assistance wherever you need it
Every claim is an opportunity to truly deliver when it matters. The moment you report a claim, our local and, when applicable, global claims team of 8,000 professionals will swing into action, delivering swift and transparent claims assistance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Benefit from combined global experience and local knowledge
We tailor our claims process to give you the assistance you need while helping you to reduce your total cost of risk over time.
Within the framework of an international program, you will be assigned an international claims practitioner with up-to-date knowledge of your territory and industry sector.
This allows us to deliver consistent claims attention and support to the same Zurich global standard anywhere in the world.
Working with experienced claim professionals
Zurich maintains centers of expertise on different types of claims; this means you will always be partnering with a professional that has experienced similar claims many times.
Centers of expertise
Global centers of excellence for special expertise in mass litigation, large losses, financial lines, natural catastrophe losses, fraud and subrogation are in place.
Most countries have major loss teams tasked with handling complex property and liability claims. A central technical center of excellence for property and liability claims, which works with all countries on complex claims.
Our Claims Commitment to you
We understand how important our claims service is to you and we have always made it a priority. Now with our new Claims Commitment, we are taking it to the next level.
Developed in response to feedback from customers and brokers, our Claims Commitment covers claims over USD 250,000 (excluding catastrophe claims) and is evidence of our determination to make claiming easier and faster.
Download our Zurich Claims Commitment Factsheet:
Making a claim
If you wish to notify us of a new Non-Motor claim, please address your notification to our FNOL Centre detailed below:
If you are requested by us to complete a claim form, please download, print and complete the appropriate form below and email it to the same FNOL Centre.
However, if you are given access to Merimen portal, please use the portal to notify us of any new claim and submit the relevant documents to us via the portal.
Approved service providers
In case you need to contact a vendor urgently after office hours, please contact the vendor stipulated in your insurance program; otherwise please refer to the list below for a list of our authorized vendors. Our vendors are contactable on a 24 hours basis.
Loss Adjusters
Crawford & Company International Pte Ltd
Arne Eisfeld
+65 8940 6014
Sedgwick Singapore Pte Ltd
Nigel Cook
+65 9179 8189
McLarens Singapore Pte Ltd
Charles Taylor Adjusting
Stephen Thorpe
+65 8494 0423
Nicholas Aaron Vellsin
+65 9150 4136
Marine Surveyors
All-Marine Consultant Services Pte Ltd
Ronald Chua
+65 6222 2822
+65 9619 1014
ALC Consulting Services Pte Ltd
Jason Lee
+65 6515 4116
+65 9139 8223
Sim Yong Poh
+65 6692 6279
+65 9116 0557
Settling/Recovery Agents
CL Claims Consultants Pte Ltd
Christina Lau
+65 6223 6221
+65 9018 3030
Dolphin Claims Services (Singapore) Pte Ltd
Teh Chong Wyne
+65 6222 1849
+65 9684 3351
W E Cox Claims Group Pte Ltd
Paul Sansom
+65 6438 3375
+65 9654 9387
W K Webster (International) Pte Ltd
Mark Allison
+65 6222 6022
+65 9150 0766
Contact us
In case you wish to contact someone from the Zurich Claims department, our Claims team is at your service.
Accident & Health
- Group Personal Accident
- Corporate Travel
Zurich Emergency Assist Hotline
+65 6260 0168
Sin Ngoh Pei
+65 6240 6017
Financial Lines & claims falling under designated accounts
Zhao Yong Ler
+65 6240 6070
Non-Global Energy Property, Global Energy, Construction/Engineering & claims falling under designated accounts
Ong Chuen Lin
+65 6240 6011
Liability, Work Injury Compensation & claims falling under designated accounts
Chang Li-Ern
+65 6240 6014
Marine, Bailees' (e.g. Carriers') Liability & claims falling under designated accounts
Ida Riduan
+65 6240 6013
For urgent matters after office hours
Matthew John Graves
Chief Claims Officer
+65 8031 2592matt.graves@zurich.com.sg