We get people on the ground where you need them.
Zurich’s global network
Through our International Programs Network Service Center infrastructure we can meet your service needs all around the world.

We have one of the largest networks in the insurance industry covering more than 200* countries and territories.
*Based on ISO 3166
Covering your needs
From structuring your program to managing claims, a Zurich International Program is a full-service offering that covers your insurance needs. It levels out differences in conditions and coverage, giving you a consistent standard of insurance protection and service worldwide.

Lines of business
From structuring your program to managing claims, we give you a consistent standard of insurance protection for:
Zurich gives you access to one of the broadest ranges of products and services in the industry, under one program for flexibility and convenience.
As a pioneer in this arena, Zurich is tuned into the laws of various local jurisdictions. This means risk managers and the C-suite can have greater confidence the insurance program will not contravene local laws.
Zurich’s goal is to help you better control your international program which helps ensure greater consistency and continuity, can enhance service delivery, contributes to transparency, reduces volatility, and helps to avoid duplication or gaps in coverage.
By organizing important coverages under one master program, Zurich facilitates easier management of the program, and provides our customers’ captives with better opportunities to benefit from a diversified portfolio.
Zurich combines domestic and foreign exposures under a master program, to give you the ability to attain higher limits at lower cost.
For nearly 40 years, we have built a global team and a powerful network of fronting companies that gives our customers consistent, excellent service, wherever they operate.